Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Daisy

This blog is a little different then the past ones but this is all about "Adaywithmom" && my day is not complete without my Daisy!! So I thought that I would write a little about her. 

She loves to play outside & go to the park! 

I love my Daisy!! I have had her for a little over a year. Right after I got her I lost my job & then was home everyday by myself until after school when my 4 boys would get home. I am so happy that I got her when I did because she has kept me company since I have been at home. 

She loves to sit on the couch with us! She is so spoiled that she always wants on the couch & very rarely does she just sit or lay in the floor. 

She loves to cuddle with us! If I don't hold her or cuddle with her when she wants to then she will bark at me & claw at me. 

She has become so spoiled! :)  She is always in what ever room I am in & she is always 2 steps behind me where ever I go. Daisy loves her treats that I buy her. When I get home from the store & I have bought her treats I will say "Daisy, momma got you something." & she will get so excited. She will start barking, running  around & trying to get the bag. It is so cute!

She loves to try to give kisses but I don't really like doggy kisses! hahaha

We took her to the beach for the very first time last summer. She loved running on the beach! She loves to smell everything, so at the beach she had a lot of different things to smell like the sand, ocean, seaweed, shells & etc. 

I hope you liked meeting my Daisy! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a great Tuesday!
& enjoy today because we are not promised tomorrow!


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